Shaheeb Sher, Born 1st April1980, Bradford, United Kingdom.
The Omnipotent One, Savior and Liberator.
Shaheeb Sher in the Leanardo Da Vinci Painting, I believe this depicts me as The Omnipotent One, Savior and Liberator, it depicts my course of events and action this can be scrutinised and checked with Public Information and Methods.
I am Shaheeb Sher:
I am Saint John the Baptist
I am The Virgin and Child
I am Lady With An Ermine
I am Virtuvian Man
I am Salvator Mundi
You can look at the Leanardo Da Vinci Paintings and look and Understand my Behavior, Dameanor and Facial features to see that these are my Portraits.
Shaheeb The Omnipotent One, Prophet of God. A Snake on Adam and Eve’s Tree. Growth. Commanding Mankind and Kind.
1979 Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan.
1979 Islamic Revolution of Iran.
1979 IRA Assassination of Lord Mountbatten.
1979 Collapse of Pol Pot Regime.
I’ve Invented Mobile Phones, Computers, Concorde, Elevators, Lifts, Skyscrapers, Concorde, Stealth Bombers, Super Characters like Batman, Superman, Hulk, Captain America, Wonder Woman.
I’ve invented Social Media including Facebook, Netflix, Yahoo Messenger. I’ve invented Lasers which are now available widely in public with self-scan shopping, Lasers with Hand Dryers. I’ve invented DVD, Bollywood, Virtual Reality.
I’ve changed Diet, introduced and invented new food including Cheese, Red Meat and Chicken which was not available during the 1980’s.
I have invented Aluminium which has completely replaced Steel and is in Public Places with Aluminium Bins and Aluminium Benches. I’ve also invented Plastics and Chemicals with Black Oil.
I’ve invented the Klashnikov Rifle’s which have created Militias around the world, I’ve done 50 Coup D’Etat’s.
I’ve elected 50 presidents since the 1980 including Macron, Sarkozy, Hollande, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, John Major, Tony Blair, Abe, Putin, Bhutto, Musharaf, Sunak, Liz Truss, Nelson Mandela, Arafat, Netanyahu.
Shaheeb Sher is behind the Islamic Revolution of Iran and the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan.
There is Public Information available about this.
I have advanced the world by 20,000 years as Shaheeb in the Wilderness and also God Saturn.