The documentary “TOXIC CRISIS” is an insight on Greece’ s environmental issues which are being obscured by the over exposure of the country’s economic crisis , like :
– The lack of energy planing and the alternative energy investment scam.
The fiasco of greek waste management , the absence of alternative waste treatment and the deliberate hiding of toxic chemicals which are being mixed with urban waste in order for the industry not to be obliged to pay the high cost of dangerous chemicals management.
The secret deals involving the import of dangerous chemical waste from Naples in Italy for burning in greek facilities that are licensed as biomass incinerators with out carrying the proper filter mechanisms to deal with dangerous toxic chemicals , which could lead the country in a permanent environmental degradation. Following the global tension of using countries which are going through an economical crisis as toxic and nuclear dumps.
A presentation of Athens central land fill ( Philis) which is one of the biggest dumps in the world, and the grave effect it has on the public health of the inhabitants of the area.
The intoxication of the Asopos river in Viotia region with hexavalent chromium and the grave consequences on the inhabitants of the area and a quick glance in a number of industrial places in Grece where the levels of hexavalent chromium in the drinking water by far exceeds the european legal limits while there is still no greek legal framework on hexavalent chromium apart than the one on the total Cr which is totally deceiving .
An attempt of analyzing the different layers of the crises in greek society and trying to find their roots , while suggesting various proposals that could lead the country to a sustainable future.
All these crucial issues are researched and analyzed by a number of scientists , each of them with an extent experience on each matter , who have dedicated their lives on researching these matters , trying to raise public awareness and put pressure on the authorities to react on all these catastrophic cases before its too late?